We make a pledge to each of our clients to give them the best value for their money. We produce detailed sets of plans and specifications which eliminate guesswork during the bidding process and on the job site. Our attention to detail means that projects are completed with fewer delays and minimal change orders resulting in a lower overall project cost.
City of Cleburne, Texas
Lakeshore Drive Area Water Lines
Total Project Cost - $3,500,000
Client Reference - Courtney Coates, P.E., City Engineer
The City of Cleburne recently completed construction on a water transmission loop along the east side of Lake Pat Cleburne. The line will convey additional supply from the water treatment plant to Plant 14 for use in the upper pressure plane. The line consists of 16,400 lf of 24” and 4,700 lf of 20” pipe along with gate valves, blow off and air relief valves as well as stub outs for future intermediate delivery points. Easements were obtained on approximately 10 parcels of land with no condemnations.
City of Cleburne, Texas
Cleburne Sports Complex
Total Project Cost - $8,000,000
Client Reference - Courtney Coates, P.E., City Engineer
Childress Engineers was the Project Engineer / Project Manager / Construction Manager for a 91 acre sports facility that included 20 soccer fields, 7 baseball fields and 2 football fields with concessions, restrooms, parking, and lighting. This project was broken into seven construction contracts. As the lead engineer, we led the design team that consisted of an electrical engineer, a geotechnical engineer, a project architect, a landscape architect, and an irrigation specialist. A center spine entrance road with storm drainage and utilities was designed to bisect the park and provide ingress / egress, and parking away from Highway 4. All of the fields and parking were accessed off of the main entrance road. This eliminated the need for multiple entrances off of the busy state highway.
Cleburne Independent School District
Three (3) New Elementary Schools
Total Project Cost - $4,100,000 (Civil Portion)
Client Reference - David Johnson, Chief Financial Officer
In the beginning of 2006, Childress Engineers was tasked with helping the CISD staff choose sites for three (3) new elementary schools to replace three (3) old existing schools. The selection criteria included: 1. available land, 2. adequate road access, 3. must be within the existing school division lines, 4. must have public utilities within reasonable distance. Architectural design also began at that time. Although one (1) of the school sites was selected early, the other two took a few months to be determined. Survey data was obtained in late January, March and April. Construction plans were released in May and June in order to be able to begin construction in August and therefore allow the project to be completed prior to the 2007 school year. The projects included on-site utilities, grading, paving storm drainage, and detention ponds as well as offsite utilities.
City of Cleburne, Texas
2006 Roadway Reconstruction
Total Project Cost - $3,000,000
Client Reference - Courtney Coates, P.E., City Engineer
In conjunction with the construction of the three (3) Cleburne Independent School District (CISD) elementary schools, Childress Engineers designed and coordinated the reconstruction of five (5) roadways with country road sections to 40’, 36’ and 32’ B-B HMAC sections with curb and gutter as well as storm drains where required. The total length of the streets were approximately 10,700 lf and included three (3) barrel 10’x6’, 8’x4’, 7’ x 4’ and two (2) barrel 5’x3’ box culverts, as well as 36” and 24” RCP. The project was coordinated with and paid for pro rata by the City of Cleburne, CISD and the Cimarron Springs Apartments.
Cleburne Independent School District
Wheat Middle School Track and Tennis Courts
Total Project Cost - $1,100,000
Client Reference - David Johnson, Chief Financial Officer
In 2007, Childress Engineers assisted the CISD staff by designing a new football field and running track as well as a six (6) court tennis complex at the Wheat Middle School Campus. The projects included track and field event layout, grading, paving, storm drainage and fencing.
City of Cleburne, Texas
Midway Station - Outfall Sanitary Sewer
Total Project Cost - $1,250,000
Client Reference - Courtney Coates, P.E., City Engineer
Childress Engineers recently completed the construction of approximately 11,900 lf of 18", 12" and 8" diameter gravity sanitary sewer main. These improvements serve the eastern section of Cleburne along a portion of Highway 67 and the A.T. & S.F. Railroad. Childress Engineers provided planning and design services and coordinated the acquisition of 22 easements from property owners along with the permitting of Oncor and TxDOT crossings. The firm suggested a reroute to the City’s original course to eliminate the need for a proposed lift station.
City of Cleburne, Texas
Highway 174 N. - Interceptor Sanitary Sewer
Total Project Cost - $4,800,000
Client Reference - Courtney Coates, P.E., City Engineer
Childress Engineers has recently completed the design of approximately 29,000 lf of 24", 12" and 8" diameter gravity sanitary sewer main. The improvements will serve the northern section of Cleburne along Highway 174 North abutting the City of Joshua and will provide service to many existing customers as well as future development. This project will also remove an existing lift station. Childress Engineers provided planning, design, right of way acquisition (28 parcels), prepared right-of-way encroachment license with Oncor and TxDOT crossing permits and will provide construction administration services for the project.
Sardis-Lone Elm Water Supply Corporation
Water Plant No. 7
Total Project Cost - $3,000,000
Client Reference - Paul Tischler, General Manager
In order to provide additional supply and pressure to an area of high elevation in the Sardis – Lone Elm system, the Corporation hired Childress Engineers to design Water Plant No. 7. The plant is located northeast of Midlothian and consists of a 2,500 feet deep, 600 gpm, 10" x 6 5/8" diameter Trinity Sands well, a 880 feet deep, 30 gpm straight 6” diameter Woodbine well, a 500,000 gallon prestressed ground storage tank, a variable speed 2.2 MGD pump station and a 500,000 gallon elevated storage tank. The Woodbine well not only provides additional supply, it also helps to cool the warm Trinity water which improves customer relations. The plant provides constant pressure to the upper pressure plane while providing additional supply capacity to the main pressure plane through series of pressure reducing valves.