City of Cleburne, Johnson County, Texas will receive sealed bids in the Office
of the City Secretary, 10 N. Robinson, P. O. Box 677, Cleburne, Texas 76033 and
opening same at a public opening at the City Hall Complex, 10 N. Robinson,
Cleburne, Texas at 2:00 P.M. (CDT) on Tuesday,
April 17, 2018 for the following item(s):
No. 18-07 2017 STREET
conference will be held at the City of Cleburne, Council Conference Room at
City Hall at 10:00 A.M. (CDT) on April
10, 2018 .
To be considered, a bid must be in
the City Secretary's Office, time/date stamped, on or before the above
mentioned date and time and sealed in an envelope addressed to the City
Secretary and showing the bid date and bid number.
The award will be made at a
scheduled meeting of the Cleburne City Council.
Bid information may be obtained in the Department of
Purchasing, 10 N. Robinson, Cleburne, Texas or by telephoning (817) 645-0910.
The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be examined at the following location:
211 North Ridgeway Drive
Cleburne, Texas
Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be obtained at the office of Childress
Engineers upon payment for plan purchase of $100.00 for each set. No refund will be made. Bids will be received only from the original purchaser of plans and
specifications unless notice shall have been given to the Engineer at least 48
hours prior to time of bid opening.
This project includes: 5,251 LF of City street reconstruction and
2,100 LF of 2” mill and overlay
Each bid shall be accompanied by a
cashier's check or certified check made payable to the City of Cleburne, or a
bid bond, duly executed by the bidder as principal and having as surety thereon
a surety company approved by the Owner, in the amount of five (5%) percent of
the total bid. The bid security must be
enclosed in the same envelope with the bid.
City of Cleburne, Texas reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal or
bid or any part thereof or any combination of bids and to waive any or all
In accordance with Title II - Public
services, Americans With Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations to furnish
auxiliary aids or special accommodations to assist persons with special needs
will be provided when 48 hours advance notice is given. Contact Human Resources
Department at (817) 645-0917 for information.
31, 2018
/s/ Steve Polasek
Date City
Rockett Special Utility District
will receive sealed bids in the District Office at 126 Alton Adams Drive,
Waxahachie, Texas 75167 (P.O. Box 40, Red Oak, Texas 75154) and opening same at a public opening at 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday,
April 10, 2018 for the following item:
To be considered, a bid must be in
the District Office, time/date stamped, on or before the above mentioned date
and time and sealed in an envelope.
Bid information may be obtained at
Childress Engineers, 211 N.
Ridgeway Drive, Cleburne, Texas or by telephoning (817) 645-1118.
The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be examined at the following location:
Childress Engineers
211 N. Ridgeway Drive
Cleburne, Texas
Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be obtained at the office of Childress
Engineers upon payment for plan purchase of $50.00 for each set. No refund will be made.
This project includes approximately:
Approximately 3,200 LF 8” C900
Water Pipe and 2,400 LF of 4” C900 water pipe with misc. valves, fire hydrants
and connections.
Rockett S.U.D. reserves the right to
accept or reject any proposal or bid or any part thereof or any combination of
bids and to waive any or all informalities.
In accordance with Title II - Public
services, Americans With Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations to furnish
auxiliary aids or special accommodations to assist persons with special needs
will be provided when 48 hours advance notice is given.
February 22, 2018 /s/ Kay
Date General Manager